, is it the money maker? I have recently been introduced to this web site. I'be been reading all the information i can to find out if this site is a way for making some side cash or not. Here is a short sundown of the site.
istock is a site where people create accounts and upload photographs for sale. Figurativly speaking, on the other end of the scale, people can enter this site search for a certain type of photograph and purchase a digital copy of the photograph. Not only can you find photographs, you can also find vector illustrations, flash files, and video clips. Becoming a memeber is totally free there are no subscription fees or hidden costs, as stated on istocks overview page. istock has their own way of selling photographs. A person may buy credits which are equivalent to dollars. Where the web site gets you is a person has to purchase a minimum of twelve credits.
After reading istockphoto's civics companion i am confident that they are a very reliable site for selling photographs. making money on the other hand depends completely on the artist. If a person wants to submit photos to sell, they have to read a tutorial and submit three prints to be looked by an inspection team. So, not just anyone can sell, which is nice to know.
As I am writing I'm reading and going through the tutorial on The site goes as far as to tell you which photographs they have to many of and which they need more of from people. There is the saying, "you learn something new every day." It is true right now, I just found out from istockphoto that it is prohibited to resell photographs of the Eiffel Tower with its lights on. But, it is ok to sell photos of the Eiffel Tower during the day. This is one of the images that is not allowed to sell on Now, that I have finished the tutorial I have to answer several questions pertaining to the tutorial making sure that I read it.
When uploading photographs you give them 50 tag names so when people search your photograph will be in the right destination. istockphoto has a great what of filtering photos so you may find what you are looking for.
I can't call this the conclusion of I'm not finished reading about the company. Hopfully i'll find out how people get paid when they sell a photograph and what exactly the person purchasing recieves.
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